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LETTER: A proportional representation scenario

From reader Ron Robinson

Re: “Against proportional representation

In trying to keep it simple, I’m using a basic scenario to show how our current electoral system has been flawed for the last 150 years.

Let’s imagine that B.C. has a four party system (A,B,C,D) and that in every riding on election day, party A wins 30 per cent of the vote, party B and C each win 25 per cent with party D at 20 per cent. With our current system, not only would party A win every riding, they would win the government with a 100 per cent majority.

In this example, 70 per cent of the electorate did not vote for party A and yet 70 per cent of the electorate has no voice in government. I would not call that a good thriving democracy. There has to be a better way for the electorate to be more engaged with the affairs of government. After 150 years, perhaps it’s time to try a different recipe.

Ron Robinson
