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LETTER: Facebook poll unreliable indicator

Reader Nellie Konkin questions the city's use of a Facebook poll to gauge citizen support for Shaw free Wi-Fi.

Re: Nelson council backs Shaw’s free Wi-Fi,” Dec. 9

I seriously question the validity of Nelson city council’s “summary of a Facebook poll.” A statistical study on Facebook doesnot accurately represent the Nelson population. It only represents those who are active Facebook users and happen to seethat post.

As a Nelson and area resident for the past 82 years, having witnessed many changes, I am completely appalled anddisappointed in council’s decision. Have they not educated themselves on the volumes of research that indicate the harmfuleffects of cumulative electromagnetic radiation? I have heard that the World Health Organization has classified wirelesstypes of radiation to be possibly cancer-causing.

Please do not be pressured by industry and do me a favour and include all of us in your next poll. I continue to hold greathope for the future.

Nellie Konkin
