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LETTER: Federal Liberal candidate supports Nelson-Creston Greens

Don Johnston says he’s voting for Kim Charlesworth

After much reflection, I am supporting Kim Charlesworth and the Green Party in the provincial election. Let me explain why.

Kim will passionately represent the constituents of this riding. Her training as a lawyer, her experience with the federal government, her time as a city councillor, and her work with food security and poverty reduction are all part of what she brings to the table. Kim believes deeply in issues of equity, inclusion, poverty reduction, and community engagement. She already walks the talk.

As the federal Liberal candidate in the 2016 election, I was in the room in Ottawa when Justin Trudeau announced a Liberal victory would signal the last “first past the post” election. I was thrilled and campaigned on that issue. That didn’t happen, but what many people struggle to understand is why it didn’t. The leadership decided not proceeding carried little risk and in today’s political world, everything is focused on the leadership team and the party “brand.” MPs and/or MLAs are expected to protect the “brand” above all else.

The Green Party stands alone in its rejection of the confrontational and divisive approach to government. It is the party whose core values focus on co-operation, collaboration and consensus building. The Green Party is our opportunity to send a message that we are tired of the traditional approach that assumes majority governments are the only way to get anything done. It is our opportunity to elect an MLA who understands her first responsibility is to represent us in Victoria.

I believe in strategic voting. Where I differ is in what counts as strategic voting. I believe it is strategic to vote for a candidate who understands her primary job is to represent her constituents. It is strategic to vote for a party that understands the environment is the number-one priority. It is strategic to support a party that recognizes the transition to a green economy is happening and offers great opportunities for the future. It is strategic to vote for a party that has a comprehensive policy framework that speaks to the challenges of today. That party is the Green Party and that candidate is Kim Charlesworth.

In British Columbia today we are seeing the beginning of a wave that promises to elect multiple Green candidates. It is an exciting possibility that will mean real change. The voters of Nelson-Creston can be part of creating that exciting new reality.

Don Johnston
