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LETTER: The governed should control the governors

I don’t know about you; but I’m getting tired of the news media being dominated by Rob Ford and the Senate scandal.

I don’t know about you; but I’m getting tired of the news media being dominated by Rob Ford and the Senate scandal.

Although I did not personally know him since he died in 1704, John Locke presented a few political concepts which included that of the “social contract” and “revolution.”

The social contract being one between the governed (the people) and those who govern.

I like to think of it like “terms of reference” as stated by the governing body and which forms the basis on which they were elected.

Within these terms is the understanding that the “governors” will act in the best interest of the “governed.”

The next part of Locke’s treatise states something like: if governors do not act in the best interest of the governed, the later has an obligation to remove the former from power. Easier said than done.  Proportional representation might be part of a solution.

The governors need to really understand they are in a contract with the governed who elected them — not their political party or the organizations who fund them.  I think the governed are letting this all get too out of hand.

What ever happened to real leaders?

Ron Robinson