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Glaciers chronicler Lynn Martel to speak in Nelson Jan. 31

Martel is author of Stories of Ice: Adventure, Commerce and Creativity on Canada’s Glaciers
Lynn Martel is author of Stories of Ice: Adventure, Commerce and Creativity on Canada’s Glaciers.

The Nelson Adventure Speaker Series is pleased to announce Lynn Martel, writer in residence with the 2025 U.N. International Year of Glaciers Preservation, will speak in Nelson on Jan. 31.

Martel, author of Stories of Ice: Adventure, Commerce and Creativity on Canada’s Glaciers, will present stories and photos from her book at the Nelson United Church at 7 p.m.

The book chronicles the glacial exploits of a series of fascinating individuals — explorers, professional guides, tourism operators, scientists, artists, filmmakers — and in the process weaves together the rich history of Western Canada’s glaciers.
As writer in residence with the 2025 U.N. International Year of Glaciers Preservation, Martel will also share how the initiative aims to recognize and celebrate all that our glaciers and icefields give us, and ways to prepare for how their melting will affect us.
Tickets are $10 each and available online at
Tickets will also be available at the door, but it’s recommended to purchase ahead online as Nelson Adventure Speaker Series events typically sell out in advance. Books will be on sale at the event, and Martel will sign them immediately following her presentation.