The start of the second term means two things: One, some students will now be attending the half-semester long grad transitions class, waving good-bye to their much appreciated spare; and two, the teachers have decided the students’ marks and have prepared the new term’s material.
Due to the BC Teachers’ Federation strike, the school will not be sending home written report cards, but the grades will be logged and accounted as always. Most teachers agree that the strike has not intervened between the usual teaching methods and curriculum and does not pose a threat to extra-curricular learning.
It certainly does not pose a threat to the staff’s enthusiasm, as shown in their commitment to this year’s Halloween celebrations. The school was crawling with a variety of creative costumes, including Principal Huttemann as Elvis Presley, and a pair of legendary rock stars known as Mr. McComb and Mr. Roch. The annual costume contest was held in the gymnasium, where students seized their chance to publicly present their outfits in front of judges and spectators. Awards were distributed to members of each grade, determined by the creativity and commitment to their presentation. Graduates Tenai Scott and Adam Laurie triumphed over the Grade 12s with their co-operative costume from the 2007 movie Juno.
On the topic of movies, LVR’s own feature length film Project Turquoise Snowflake is being directed by arts teacher Robyn Sheppard, who has brought her environmental ambitions to life. After months of hard work by Sheppard, the community and the student volunteers, word of the film’s production has spread powerfully. MP Alex Atamanenko recognized Sheppard’s intentions and made a positive announcement in the House of Commons, congratulating and supporting the school’s determination. With the film nationally publicized, the crew is looking forward to completing their year-long efforts and spreading their ecological message.
The 2012 grads have voted in the executives that they trust to organize the themes and festivities. Out of the rec leadership class, five executives were voted in, with duties such as choosing the different themes that will be voted on. This year’s five executives are Taryn Scarff, Kate Vierra, Adam Laurie, Zoë Greyeyes, and Tenai Scott. I think I speak for the whole grad class when I say that the activities will be in good hands!
Fundraising to finance the end of the year celebrations has begun, with Save-On and Safeway gift cards being offered with a percentage going towards the grads’ expenses. There will also be chocolate bars for sale by the students and a donation box at the Nelson Leafs Bottle Depot.
The gradding class has come together tremendously since the start of the school year and all are enjoying the seniority-made confidence that comes with the graduation experience.
Cam Olson is a Grade 12 student at L.V. Rogers. His column is featured in the Star once a month