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SlocanValley pithouses to be explored

Guided tours of the Slocan Narrows prehistoric village site will take place this Sunday.

Guided tours of the Slocan Narrows prehistoric village site will take place this Sunday.

Dr. Nathan Goodale of Hamilton College has been conducting an archaeological field school at the site during July. More than 3,000 years of human settlement is evidenced at the site and some of the largest and oldest pithouses on the Interior Plateau are located here. Dr. Goodale and the field school students will guide small groups through the site and share what is known about prehistoric life in the Slocan Valley.

The tours go between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

The Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society is hosting a barbecue lunch following the tour. A suggested $10 donation includes a presentation by Dr. Goodale, a tour of the site and the barbecue lunch. Funds raised this year will go towards interpretive signage on the Slocan Valley Rail Trail.

Access this event by parking at the Lemon Creek trailhead off of Kennedy Road and walking north on the rail trail about 1.5 km. Plan to arrive at the site between 11 and 12:30 so as not to be disappointed. A new tour group will start every 20 minutes and last for about 45 minutes.