The student vote of 2011 will be happening tomorrow at LVR along with many other schools from across the country. Most of the students in school aren’t old enough to vote yet, so we are able to do a pretend voting poll to see how the teenagers think our country should be run. This is completely student-oriented and helps us to learn about the way our government works.
Festival Nelson is coming up and will be hosted at LVR this year. On Friday and Saturday, hundreds of student musicians will be performing for audiences and adjudicators in one of the biggest music festivals in the BC Interior. Festival Nelson was started 25 years ago and continues as a wonderful tradition to this day, encouraging students to perform non-competitively and in a fun environment.
Also, the whole school would like to thank everyone who helped with some fundraisers we’ve had over the past couple weeks. The fundraiser for an infant scale for the hospital was an amazing success, and the event made over $1,300! Thanks to David Rae, a very funny comedian, for performing, and the students who sang for the crowd, and everyone who contributed food for the bake sale, sold art and jewelry, and those who bought tickets to the show.
The Grad Bottle Drive in April was very successful as well. We made around $1,800, which is a great chunk of our overall costs. Thanks to all the students who collected and the community and businesses who helped contribute. We really live in the best town ever!
Now, to finish off, just a few grad things. The Grad Fashion Show is coming up on May 5, where LVR students will be modeling for local businesses to raise money for the grad class. Huge thanks to all the businesses who have supported grad classes over the years and continue to do so now.
Shecana International Schools offers high school programs abroad in 20 different schools around the world. They are offering $4,000 bursaries for certain ten-month programs for students in School District 8. Contact them at or call 1-800-297-1551.
The scholarships deadline is coming up, and most are due by Friday, so if you haven’t applied yet or haven’t gotten around to handing them in, do it!
Grad hysteria is beginning to set in now; the students can almost taste the freedom!