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TRENDING ON THE NET: The many 'problems’ of the First World

This week's offering by Nelson high school columnist Paul Blomme looks at humour that is also revealing
The First World problems is entertaining and revealing all at the same time.

You ever got angry or frustrated because you didn’t get that pony when you were four, that video game when you were 10, that car when you were 16? Did you ever complain to your friends that instead of an Xbox 360, you got a Wii. Or instead of an iPhone 4, you got an iPod Touch? Couldn’t decide where or what to eat and start having issues about it or start complaining? Then you might have “First World Problems.”

First World Problems are defined as frustrations and complaints that are only experienced by privileged individuals in wealthy countries. It is typically used as a tongue-in-cheek comedic device to make light of trivial inconveniences.

The earliest mention of the word First World Problems appeared in a 1995 Canadian song Omissions of the Omen and an entry appeared in Urban Dictionary in 2005 (“Problems from living in a wealthy, industrialized nation that third worlders would probably roll their eyes at.”) The term never became popular until late 2008 when a tumblr blog called “The Real First World Problems” was created. Then in June 9, 2009, Something Awful Comedy Gold post titled “#firstworldproblems” complaining about Twitter received several pages worth of comments with various first world problems jokes followed by the hashtag. The common interest of this meme peaked in 2011, and is only slowly declining compared to other memes.

Image macros try to put a face to this meme, showing either a women crying, a teenage boy leaning against the wall or other such material to show depression. This is followed by captions to narrate what they are depressed/sad about, usually something so trivial that is easy to overcome or aren’t worth complaining about.

Derivatives of this meme include “Third World Success,” an antithesis of the First World Problems with a Dancing Tribal Child and captions about overcoming hardships that are associated with life in underdeveloped countries. “First World Cat Problems,” which features a young kitten resting its head with various house cat complaints as captions. And a recent “1890s Problems” which features a black and white photograph of a forlorn-looking woman followed by captions describing grievances in the late 19th Century.

So next time you have minor issues with your car or missed your favorite TV show, Save that and put it on the web. It is bound to give someone a chuckle for the day.


Check out some more First World Problems here.

Also, check out who is getting more popular than the new Pope here.