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Yasodhara ashram rebuilds temple

On November 7 and 8 the primary structure of Yasodhara Ashram’s new Temple of Light in Kootenay Bay, B.C., was assembled.
The temple at the Yasodhara Ashram in Kootenay Bay burned down in 2014

On November 7 and 8 the primary structure of Yasodhara Ashram’s new Temple of Light in Kootenay Bay, B.C., was assembled.

The original temple was destroyed by fire in June 2014. Yasodhara Ashram is a yoga retreat and study centre founded bySwami Sivananda Radha in 1963.

“Even though this is one small temple in the Kootenays, we see it is a symbol for hope and peace in the world, open to people from all spiritual traditions,” says ashram president Swami Lalitananda.

The reconstruction of this building with its cutting-edge design and powerful message of inclusivity serves as a testament to the resilience of Yasodhara Ashram’s international and local community, said Lalitananda.

Construction partners include Nelson’s Spearhead Inc., a multi-faceted manufacturing company that specializes in building steel and timber structures.

Spearhead is one of the few companies in the world that works with the specific technology required for this project.

Award-winning Vancouver based firm Patkau Architects is the team behind the temple design.

“We’ve been practising architects for over 30 years,” said John Patkau of himself and his partner Patricia Patkau, “and this will certainly be the most remarkable thing that we’ve constructed.”

With the supporting structure in place, the petal design of the building will be put together incrementally over the coming months. Construction is expected to be completed by summer 2017.

“Seeing the vision begin to manifest is a joy. It’s a process of innovation and collaboration among our community, the architects, fabricators and builders all coming together in harmony,” said Lalitananda.