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Riding the Rodels in Nelson

Riding the Rodels in Nelson

St. Nick once again made a special delivery to St. Joseph’s Elementary this week to bring young students a shipment of rodels.

The gift of free speech

As the world watched the Occupy movement take a stand for rights as they see them, the right to occupy public land came into question.

Like the Dickens returns with an all-star lineup

The Ghost of Christmas Present will be a friendly one on December 18 at the annual reading of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Christmas Eve dinner planned for Nelson

Our Daily Bread and Kootenay Christian Fellowship are once again hosting a community wide Christmas Eve dinner.
War Child Canada founder speaks

War Child Canada founder speaks

Founder of War Child Canada, Samantha Nutt, is a medical doctor with more than 15 years of experience working in war zones
Marking 10 with $2,500 in Nelson

Marking 10 with $2,500 in Nelson

In honour of the 10th anniversary of the West Kootenay Chapter of the MS Society, Norm and Lonnie Facchina present a $2,500 donation

Pets get time with Santa for SPCA fundraiser

Santa has booked off time in his busy schedule from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at Chahko Mika Mall
Nelson Toyota fills it up

Nelson Toyota fills it up

Nelson Toyota is doing its part to help make Christmas a wee bit better for everybody in the community.
Enjoying a lakeside Christmas

Enjoying a lakeside Christmas

What Silverton’s fifth annual Christmas by the Lake lacked in snow, it made up for in spirit.
Cadets host visiting Nova Scotia squadron

Cadets host visiting Nova Scotia squadron

The Nelson air cadets recently welcomed 25 cadets from Nova Scotia