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Environmental action nets rewards for local schools

Two schools from Kootenay Lake school district — L.V. Rogers Secondary and Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary — will be taking home new Sony equipment to document their environmental action stories for future projects.
ALS Walk turns 10

ALS Walk turns 10

People came to Lakeside Park on Sunday from Kamloops, Kelowna, and Trail for the tenth annual West Kootenay Walk for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
The Power of Pedal

The Power of Pedal

The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Big Bike pulled into Nelson last month with several community groups taking part in the fundraiser.
Special Day for Mums and Mother Nature

Special Day for Mums and Mother Nature

It was all about giving a very different kind of Mother’s Day gift!
Lions Raise Total

Lions Raise Total

The Lions Club of Nelson took a tour of Studio 80 at the Tenth Street campus (currently under renovation) and bought a seat for $500 as part of Selkirk College’s “Count Me In” fundraising campaign.

EcoSociety challenges Basin to car-free commute

The 2011 National Commuter Challenge Week is June 5 to 11. Nelson had the best participation in Canada last year and now the West Kootenay EcoSociety is expanding the challenge throughout the Kootenays.
Get inside Nelson’s history

Get inside Nelson’s history

Don’t miss one of the city’s biggest events — the annual Nelson Heritage Home Tour.

Bike ride supports meal program

Kootenay Christian Fellowship and Castlegar Christian Fellowship, in cooperation with the Nelson First Baptist Church, are holding the sixth annual Pedal Along a Rail Route on Saturday, July 23. This is an annual event in an effort to raise funds for Our Daily Bread.
Terrible neglect that too often goes unrecognized

Terrible neglect that too often goes unrecognized

The Nelson and Area Elder Abuse Prevention Program and the Nelson Community Response Network have announced the sixth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Wednesday, June 15. This is an opportunity to show the world you care about ending elder abuse and neglect by wearing something purple on this day.

The final countdown is on

Grad is now less that two weeks away! Trust me, the school is feeling it. Time is going by very fast now, and even I’m starting to feel a bit of panic.