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Welcoming Committee

Welcoming Committee

The Nelson Welcome Wagon recognized some of its longtime sponsors this week.

Growing love for science

Science World British Columbia is hosting a workshop Wednesday, March 30 at Selkirk College in Nelson to for adults looking to encourage kids to become more enthusiastic about science.

Check this out: At the Corner of Hopes and Dreams

You’re standing at the corner of Stanley and Victoria, just outside the library (Nelson’s cultural epicenter).

Local schools in Green Games

L.V. Rogers high school and Blewett Elementary are competing in Science World’s Green Games competition and asking for Nelson’s help in securing funding for environmental endeavors.

Spring programming in full bloom at Nelson library

Spring has sprung and so have new tales, songs and rhymes at the Nelson library’s storytimes.

What glaciers tell us about our snowpack

As Nelson’s winter drags on into mid-March, two experts will share insights into the changing face of the season.
Blewett community playground gains traction

Blewett community playground gains traction

Building a play ground is a lot of work. At least that’s what the Parent Advisory Committee at Blewett School is learning.

Learn more about permaculture this weekend at Selkirk

Join the local up-cycling revolution

Rags & More Up-Cycling Store is a new initiative of the Kootenay Up-Cycling Society and is offering used textiles an opportunity to be useful before heading to the landfill.
Rotary Leadership Institute graduates first class

Rotary Leadership Institute graduates first class

Compliments flowed about the value of Rotary Leadership Institute training as the first class of 15 graduates of the program celebrated at the historic Hume Hotel in Nelson on February 26.