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Freezing Point Play Readings open Friday in Nelson

The first performance is The Importance of Being Earnest
Cast members from The Addams Family read their scripts at an early rehearsal. Photo: Emilee Wheeler

Submitted by Black Productions

The temperatures in Nelson are starting to drop so the Black Productions Team came together to develop a series of monthly readings to keep you cozy on those dark nights! We are pleased to present our newest project: Freezing Point Play Readings.

Warm up with Oscar Wilde, Kelly Rebar, Anton Chekov, Georges-Gustave Toudouze, and Lucille Fletcher. Directors Robyn Daintry Lamb, Patricia Henman, Darren Fuss and Lindsay Clague will be working with local talent to bring these scripts to life.

What is a play reading you may ask? A play reading is a play at its most basic. Actors deliver their lines directly from the script with minimal movement, but in character and with gusto. There are no technical elements such as props, costumes or lighting, but someone reads the stage directions aloud to give the audience the context for each scene.

Please join us for our first offering: Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest directed by Robyn Lamb on Friday, Nov. 17 at the Nelson United Church. Featured performers are Scott Thorp, Quinn Barron, Greg Marrast, Lev Sonego, Lindsay Clague, Jaimie MacGibbon, Gillian Wiley and Sydney Black.

Tickets are a suggested donation of $10 cash and will be available at the door.