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CHECK THIS OUT: Nelson library enters its ‘cool auntie vibes’ era

Laura Harris writes about the library's plans to expand its services in 2025
In 2024 the children’s section of the Nelson Public Library was transformed with new mobile shelves, thanks to ReDi grant funding.

I am a self-proclaimed cool auntie, which my nieces and nephews probably wouldn’t find a very “fire” title to claim. Regardless, I do my best to be there for them when they ask and in the ways that they want me to be. I am strongly invested in meeting their needs, enthusiastic about their interests and whims, and energized by their big dreams for the future.

I say that the library is entering a similar era because, like dedicated aunties everywhere, it’s committed to responding to your needs, interests, dreams and whims (responsible, shared whims, that is!).  

In 2024 the library demonstrated its auntie-esque deep commitment by extending its hours of operation as a cooling centre so that anyone who wanted to could stay cool on those dreadfully hot evenings. We also installed a mini-fridge and sourced period products for the Teen Scene in response to the needs of vulnerable youth using the library.

Through our annual survey, community members asked that food preservation tools be added to our “Library of Things” and now you can check out a freeze dryer, dehydrator, bread machine or vacuum sealer just like a book! Aunties are also fun, so it’s no surprise that the library hosted Nelson’s best (well, self-proclaimed best) pre-Eras Tour party for local Swifties.

In 2025, we’re taking on some of the community’s big dreams for the future, like extending services for those living out of town. This year, library staff members will also have more time to support the community outside of the library. Don’t be surprised when you see your favourite librarian participating in the next community event you attend. We’re even aiming to extend our business hours so that library services are available during times that parking is easier to find downtown. 

Another priority for 2025 is adding more seating in the library. One of my nieces is strongly advocating for us to adopt a cozycore aesthetic – defined by warm colours and ultra-comfortable furnishing. The library is a great place to be whether you’re studying, meeting friends or waiting for bus. We know it can be difficult to get any seat let alone a cozycore one these days, which is why we’ll be doing some interior designing this year.

The library is growing in new directions, guided by the 500-plus community members who submitted survey feedback last fall and in response to a study done by a Selkirk Innovates that predicted the future needs for library services in our area (30 years into the future, if you can imagine that).

We’re grateful for this direction and thankful to all community members who completed surveys or participated in interviews with Selkirk. And I’m grateful to be working for an organization that is nimble, responsive, and excited to address community needs. Stay tuned for updates at

Laura Harris is assistant chief librarian at the Nelson Public Library. Check This Out appears monthly.