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LETTER: Hallō has to go

From reader Rosie Eberle
The six initial buildings in the Granite Pointe Golf Course housing development would house 24 townhouses.

Re: Nelson golf course to be redesigned and run by U.S. company, Nelson Star, July 16

Dear Messrs Ebrahimi and Kwan,
Did you not get the memo? There is a housing affordability crisis in this country. In this climate, your plans to build luxury, pre-furnished second homes is unconscionable.
Please consider going back to the drawing board and coming up with a plan that this ‘sleepy’ B.C. town can live with. One that doesn’t compromise our core values of modesty and integrity. We need housing that is more affordable, rent to own and co-operative housing schemes.
Please invest in the people who live, work and contribute to community here, not rich vacationers. If you can help Nelson develop this kind of housing you won’t need to come and volunteer (as you so kindly offer to do). Your contribution to the health of our community will be more than enough.
Rosie Eberle