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LETTER: Questioning the RCMP

From reader Trish Johnston

Re: LETTER: Is this RCMP policy? Nelson Star, May 23 

The RCMP confirmed to the Nelson Star that it is ”indeed common practice” to follow people, pull them over, and then request a breathalyzer when a person purchases alcohol at a Nelson B.C. liquor store. What plethora of evidence-based research did the RCMP consult to draft this policy to prevent people from driving while intoxicated? What are the statistics into traffic fatalities involving people who just left the B.C. liquor store? What is stopping the RCMP from sitting outside all of Nelson’s lovely restaurants and breweries who also sell alcohol and where people are actually imbibing alcohol? Watch the Netflix documentary called Power about police practices. Then this RCMP practice will make sense. It’s about power not people and the community. What a shame. 

Trish Johnston
