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LETTER: Solid emission reduction essential for further LNG development in B.C.

Premier urged to make no further commitment
Premier John Horgan

(Vaughn Palmer, the Premier’s Trade mission and LNG, Vancouver Sun, Jan. 18)

In his column in the Vancouver Sun, Vaughn Palmer reported Premier Horgan has every intention of exploring support for LNG during the coming trade mission.

I hope Premier Horgan in his exploration makes no commitment to further develop LNG in BC without a detailed third party analysis that demonstrates the government will deliver its GHG reduction commitment. The Premier and his ministers have often committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent below 2007 levels by 2030.

In spite of the previous government’s Climate Leadership Plan and the current government’s Clean Growth Climate Action plan we are not on track. Emissions are not dropping significantly. We cannot allow further LNG development in B.C. without a strong commitment to a solid emission reduction plan first. A plan that will deliver the promised 2030 target!

Mike Geisler,


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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