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Rocker raising money for ANKORS

Show on Saturday at the Royal

A Vancouver rocker on a province-wide tour raising money to fight the opioid crisis will be giving a financial boost to the ANKORS during a show in Nelson Saturday.

Jeremy Allingham, who cites influences from Bruce Springsteen to Paul Simon, will be performing tunes from the release of his Run Wild CD at the Royal on Baker.

“I’m raising money to fight the opioid crisis because thousands have died and not enough is being done. I’ve seen people in my community die,” said Allingham, adding, “I know that raising a bit of money from a concert won’t solve much, but every little bit helps.”

“The Interior Health region had the highest per capita rate of death from overdose last year. It’s a massive problem every where and we want to do anything we can to help,” said Allingham, stating that all proceeds from his shows on his B.C. tour are going to harm reduction organizations.