The Village of Kaslo will participate in the 2025 Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program.
The program is an initiative of the province and the Lung Association of BC, and provides financial incentive to replace pre-1994 uncertified wood stoves or inserts with new, locally purchased, certified heating appliances.
The grant offers $600 for EPA or CSA certified wood stoves, $1,000 for cleaner burning appliances (pellet stoves), and $1,500 for electric heat pumps. Only one rebate is permitted per property. The village will offer an additional $100 to five properties in the municipality. Uptake in year’s past has been one or two.
More information is available on the RDCK website at
RCMP quarterly update
Corporal Harland Venema of the Kaslo RCMP appeared before council with quarterly crime statistics and an update on police officer recruitment.
Const. Wilson recently transferred to Kimberley, and the Kaslo detachment is looking for a replacement. Venema said there’s already been strong interest because applicants are drawn to the Kaslo and North Kootenay Lake lifestyle. Venema will make the final call and is looking to create a well-balanced team.
As for crime statistics, in October, November, and December 2024 there were 66 calls for service in Kaslo, 65 calls south of Kaslo to Balfour, and 39 calls north of Kaslo.
There were three assaults, two auto thefts, one theft from a motor vehicle, and four motor vehicle collisions. Twenty-five calls were related to mental health – a “significant” increase from 13 in the last quarter of 2023, noted Venema. He said they are aware and mediating it as best they can. Twelve files involved drugs/alcohol, while 37 calls had to do with the Criminal Code (property, persons/violent, and other).