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Nelson 'prolific offender' faces 14 charges

Charges against Daniel Dinunzio include theft and breaching bail conditions
The Nelson Police Department arrested a man on Jan. 31 who was released on bail before a future court appearance. (File photo)

The Nelson Police Department arrested Daniel Dinunzio of Nelson on Jan. 31 on multiple charges.

He was released temporarily on bail until an upcoming court date.

Dinunzio was described as a "prolific offender" in a police news release which stated that Dinunzio faces 14 charges including five counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of resisting arrest, two counts of possession of stolen property, one count of theft, and four counts of breaching release conditions.

Following a bail hearing, the court released Dinunzio with conditions including a promise to attend future court dates and an order barring Dinunzio from entering any business or retail store in Nelson that sells goods, including food, without a court-appointed chaperone present.

About the Author: Nelson Star Staff

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