General Voting will be open to qualified electors of the City of Nelson on Saturday, Oct. 20, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. at: Central Education Centre, 811 Stanley St.
There are two advanced voting opportunities. Advance voting will be available to qualified electors as follows: Wednesday, Oct. 10 and Wednesday, Oct. 17, between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the 2018 Election Station, second floor of City Hall, 310 Ward St.
Special Voting Opportunities will be available to qualified electors on General Voting Day, Saturday, Oct. 20 as follows:
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Lake View Village, 1020 Seventh St.
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Kootenay Lake District Hospital, 3 View St.
2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Jubilee Manor, 501 West Richards St.
3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Lake Seniors Community, 908 Eleventh St.
The following restrictions apply to persons who may vote at this special voting opportunity:
• Only electors who, on the date on which the special voting opportunity is held and before the end of the voting hours for the special voting opportunity, have been admitted as patients to a hospital or health care facility.
• Only electors who, on the date on which the special voting opportunity is held and before the end of the voting hours for the special voting opportunity, are residents of the home or facility where the special voting opportunity takes place.
At the general and advance voting, assistance will be provided for electors with physical disabilities or those requiring assistance in voting by use of the Curbside voting provisions.
For further information on this option, please contact the Chief Elections Officer at (250) 352-8120 or Deputy Chief Elections Officer at (250) 352-8254.
If you are not on the Provincial Voters List you may register at the time of voting by completing the required application form available at the voting place. To register you must meet all of the following qualifications:
• 18 years of age or older on general voting day
• Canadian citizen
• resident of BC for at least six months immediately preceding the day of registration
• resident of OR registered owner of real property in the City of Nelson for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration, and
• not disqualified by law from voting in an election.
Resident electors will also be required to produce two pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
Non-resident property electors must produce two pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the majority of the property owners.