My family loves living in Nelson. As a city councillor, I take responsibility and great pride in working with the issues to better serve our community. I know, from first-hand experience working as the director of works for the City of Nelson for 27 years, how very important it is to take care of our community infrastructure, crime and safety issues including our roads and sidewalks, and a transit system that meets the needs of people.
Our residents pay taxes with their hard-earned money and it is city council’s responsibility to ensure that the taxpayers’ money is invested wisely. During my seven years as a director on the Nelson and District Housing Association I have become very concerned and connected to the issues that inadequate and unattainable housing places on families, young people starting out on their own and seniors with changing needs, as well as special needs that are challenging people in our community.
I have recently become a member of the Childcare Resource and Referral board, to be a stronger advocate for appropriate day care and resources to support child development and their families in our region.
Being a city councillor in Nelson means working for a healthy community for all of us to enjoy. I am excited to seek a third term as a councillor, as I have gained valuable insights and experience in municipal politics but as important, I have the expertise of the relationships with both business and the citizens of my community.
#1. HOUSING. Nelson’s vacancy rate is usually less than two per cent which is not meeting our needs for housing. As a member of the Nelson and District Housing Society I see our needs for affordable housing. The number of current applicants seeking subsidies with our society is 75 singles, which includes seniors, and 54 families. We only have 106 units and they are all currently occupied.
Affordable housing will also help businesses as their employees will have long term housing enabling them to live and work in our community. The city is working on an affordable housing policy to clarify that voluntary contributions to the housing reserve fund will be encouraged and how these funds held by the city will be used.
#2. UTILITIES. The city has completed both water system and sanitary sewer system studies. These studies both contain recommendations on system maintenance, improvements and upgrades. The water department is replacing small diameter water mains with larger ones which increase fire flow and distribution pressures. The sanitary sewer department has a policy to reline sewer mains with Insituform where ever possible. This year 15 blocks will be completed without digging up the street and having the additional expense of repaving. The utility systems are the backbone of our city and must be maintained to a high standard.
#3. TRANSPORTATION. With the steep grades of most Nelson streets, getting around can be a problem for some Nelson residents. We have had a transit system for over 100 years which has helped to solve this problem. The cut to our Sunday service has gone back to staff for options to put this service back in our system. The transportation plan has several recommendations that should be implemented. Two of the ones that I would like to work on immediately are:
• Establish a transportation committee which would consist of a councillor, a member of the general public, an engineering staff person and a police officer. They would review traffic concerns prior to implementation.
• To increase bicycle riders we need to have bike racks on all major streets in the downtown core.