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Creston RCMP address alleged assault behind grocery store amid social media posts

Facebook posts speculated on an attack that occurred behind a local grocery store
The Creston RCMP have addressed reports of an assault circulating on social media. (Stock Photo)

Creston RCMP say a social media report of a sexual assault behind Pealow’s grocery story over the weekend is unfounded.

On Saturday (April 9), speculation circulated on local Facebook groups in regard to the alleged assault of a 31-year-old woman by a man behind the grocery story.

Despite the rumours on Facebook, RCMP say it was not a random attack - the man was known by the woman. There is no allegation of sexual assault, and there is no risk to the general public.

“The Creston RCMP have seen a rise in misleading social media posts, where the information provided is making the general public fear for their safety,” said Cpl. Evan Diachok.

“Creston is, and will continue to be, a safe community.”

If there is a threat to the general public, the RCMP will issue an immediate public safety notification outlining the details of the situation and any safety concerns, with measures on how to keep yourself and your family safe.

“There is nothing more important than the safety of this community,” said Diachok.

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Kelsey Yates

About the Author: Kelsey Yates

Kelsey Yates has had a lifelong passion for newspapers and storytelling. Originally from Alberta, she graduated from SAIT Polytechnic's journalism program in 2016. Now she calls the Kootenays home.
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