Only days after Nelson residents began comfortably strolling around downtown in T-shirts, the Kootenays were hit with a surprise snowstorm on Sunday, and Nelson was blanketed in a fine layer of snow. According to forecasts, the chilly event may be repeated on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
The snow began approximately around 6 p.m. on Sunday evening, as temperatures reached freezing. Darkness set in as wet sleet and thick snow drifted into the city in aggressive flurries and continued overnight.
The temperature began climbing in the early hours of Monday, with the precipitation liquifying, and the sun began to peek through the clouds as the morning progressed. Ghostly fog loomed halfway up Elephant Mountain's slope, with the Pulpit jutting above the mist.
Forecasts call primarily for a mixture of clouds and sun for the remainder of the week, while Thursday may reach a sunny high of 10 degrees Celsius.
Authorities are advising commuters planning to travel over Kootenay Pass that it is experiencing extreme snowfall, with temperatures hovering around zero. They are urging travelers to drive with caution, especially because snowploughs and sanders will be working to keep the roads clear.
Visibility is reduced due to the snowfall and the fog.
Whitewater Ski Resort experienced a multi-hour power outage on Monday morning and eventually had to close for the day, dashing the dreams of local skiers looking to capitalize on the weather.
"We're on scene right now and we've found some damage to the system due to wet and heavy slow. We had some trees that came down," Fortis BC spokesperson David Wylie told the Star.
Wylie said approximately 20 other customers were impacted.
And though the Glory Ridge Chair will be closed for the remainder of the season, the latest snow dump has improved ski conditions considerably.
"Snow conditions and terrain on the Summit and Silver King remain excellent - especially with the addition of all this new snow" reads the Whitewater website's daily report. The view from up top continues to be supplied by a DHC Communications webcam.
"The base of Glory is at a significantly lower elevation than the rest of the resort and as such snow conditions have become marginal on the lower third of the Glory terrain. All Glory terrain will now be considered outside the operational Ski Area Boundary and therefore will not be patrolled. Entering will be at your own risk."
Dorkmyer, the man-sized grotesque on Front Street, was dusted with a fine layer of snow while he perched on the roof of Mike Hames' home, watching benevolently as the commuters navigated through the slushy conditions below.
For information on current driving conditions visit