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Election 2015: Liberal Don Johnston: ‘Line up, pot's legal!’

Election 2015: Liberal Don Johnston: ‘Line up, pot's legal!’

Kootenay-Columbia Liberal candidate spent the evening with supporters in the Hume Hotel in Nelson, praised Justin Trudeau's leadership.
Community mourns Brooke Malakoff

Community mourns Brooke Malakoff

Fernie cancer patient succumbed shortly after fundraiser in her honour.
Nelson police respond to four overdoses

Nelson police respond to four overdoses

Nelson police responded to four unrelated drug overdoses on Saturday night involving mushrooms, MDMA, and GHB.
Kootenay food producers celebrate

Kootenay food producers celebrate

The Kootenay and Boundary Food Producer co-op held a launch party potluck at Taghum Hall.
Election 2015: Cannings wins South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding

Election 2015: Cannings wins South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding

NDP candidate prevails in newly-created federal riding
Election 2015: Kootenay votes

Election 2015: Kootenay votes

The federal polls in Kootenay-Columbia and South Okanagan-West Kootenay close at 7 p.m.
Election 2015: Cannings wins South Okanagan-West Kootenay

Election 2015: Cannings wins South Okanagan-West Kootenay

New Democrat Dick Cannings has won, with Liberal Connie Denesiuk finishing second.
Trudeau scores stunning Liberal majority

Trudeau scores stunning Liberal majority

Trudeau turfs Harper Conservatives from office, Liberals earn majority mandate
Civic Arena upgrades wrap up

Civic Arena upgrades wrap up

A 21-day maintenance overhaul included repainting, the closure of some areas and addition of parking space to the arena’s west end.
Clothesline comes to Touchstones

Clothesline comes to Touchstones