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Where’s the beeps?

Where’s the beeps?

Nelson residents, particularly in the downtown core, may notice that they haven’t been roused this winter by the sound of trucks backing up.
Nelson family dispute turns into rage

Nelson family dispute turns into rage

Police responded to a collision Saturday in which a vehicle drove off the roadway and then collided with a bridge guardrail.
Nelson Hydro rates set for jump

Nelson Hydro rates set for jump

Nelson Hydro customers will see an increase on their power bill starting April 1.
Drug charges laid in Winlaw alpaca incident

Drug charges laid in Winlaw alpaca incident

Charges have formally been laid against a Slocan Valley man following an incident last year in which two dogs killed an alpaca in Winlaw.
Kaslo and Balfour agree to mutual aid

Kaslo and Balfour agree to mutual aid

The Ainsworth-Woodbury area will receive fire protection thanks to an agreement between the Kaslo and Balfour/Harrop fire departments.
Transit merger in the works

Transit merger in the works

The two local regional districts are moving toward an amalgamated transit system by April 2013.
Nelson celebrates ski culture

Nelson celebrates ski culture

The Whitewater Ski Resort held its annual Winter Carnival over the weekend
Nelson’s ‘wild mountains’ featured on NBC

Nelson’s ‘wild mountains’ featured on NBC

Though no actual mention of Nelson, the area received huge exposure this past Friday on NBC’s Today Show.
Fibre optic link suggested for rec complex

Fibre optic link suggested for rec complex

The regional district is looking into creating a fibre-optic link between its office and the Nelson and District Community Complex.
RDCK tries collection agency

RDCK tries collection agency

Delinquent tickets issued by the regional district’s bylaw enforcement officer will now be sent to a collection agency after 90 days.