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Blewett not only area against planning

Walter Popoff, the director for Area H, the Slocan Valley was voted in by the residents on a platform of no planning.

In the Nelson Star editorial “Important vote for Blewett” (November 21, 2012) regarding the Blewett residents voting on whether they want planning, the editor makes a statement that every other area of the RDCK has such a document to help guide growth.

Walter Popoff, the director for Area H, the Slocan Valley was voted in by the residents on a platform of no planning. That was four years ago, there was a vote on planning at that time and the majority of the voters made it clear they did not want planning.

The people in Area H north of Slocan wanted planning and were granted that right. Area H south, where the majority of the population is, do not have planning.

I am glad that there are other like-minded people in the RDCK. I live rurally by choice, and do not want to tell my neighbours what they can or cannot do on their property.

As for taxes I cannot believe the amount of taxes we pay in this country for the three layers of government that overlap each other! Our health care and educational systems are falling behind, that is where our tax dollars should be going, not to the RDCK and there planning deparment.

Peter Ferguson

Property Rights Coalition

Perry Siding