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City of Nelson helps seniors

Thanks to city staff for their quick response to the error on the seniors parking pass for 2013.

Thanks to city staff for their quick response to the error on the seniors parking pass for 2013.

The one-year pass is available beginning March 1 of each year. I purchased my pass the last week in February. Then noticed the expiration date was December 31, 2013 (not February 28, 2014, as it should have been). This meant it was good for only 10 months (not 12 months) and there was no reduction in price. Needless to say, I phoned the City!

A few days later,  I was pleasantly surprised to receive a very nice letter apologizing for any misunderstanding or inconvenience and enclosing a replacement pass with the expiry date of February 28, 2014.

With prices for food, services, fees, etc, all seemingly going up and up and many of us on incomes that do not go up and up, one gets very frustrated because usually there is nothing one  can do about it. So it was quite refreshing to receive my letter from the City – and so quickly, too.

June Price
