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Council didn’t do the proper math

The transit dilemma came with the deal when City Hall bought these buses; once again it succumbed to its addiction to wanting to be more than it is — a medium-sized town in a pleasant setting.

The transit dilemma came with the deal when City Hall bought these buses; once again it succumbed to its addiction to wanting to be more than it is — a medium-sized town in a pleasant setting. City hall was not forced to buy them, but there was that afterglow of Olympic proportions. So nobody did the math then — as a prudent precaution — which is being done now — as a justification! With many of Nelson’s neediest expected to pay for city hall’s folly in more ways than one!

There is no reason why city hall — if willing — can’t go back on its motion — the swiftness with which the condo heron-head-on-a-post was rammed through council shows what is possible.

I find the city’s current attitude towards those who either rely on the bus system or prefer using it for practical, financial and/or environmental reasons immoral!

Claus Lao Schunke
