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Faust approach too costly

Blewett resident Jake Urech’s letter to the editor last Wednesday (“Faust’s approach is working”) begs a few thoughts.

Blewett resident Jake Urech’s letter to the editor last Wednesday (“Faust’s approach is working”) begs a few thoughts.

Unlike Mr. Urech, I am relieved that Josh Smienk is seeking to reclaim the RDCK Area E seat, and here is why.

In the three years since being elected, current director Ramona Faust has been very busy advocating, but it wasn’t on our behalf.

When the issue was library funding, Ramona represented the library position to us, spending our tax dollars to tell us what was good for us. That defeated episode flushed tens of thousands of dollars down the drain. When the issue was the introduction of central planning, once again, Ramona represented the RDCK position to us, not vice versa.

In the last three years our tax burden has jumped an astounding nearly 40 per cent. And for that we’ve got a dog bylaw and bunch of proposals that will increase our taxes even more.

I can’t speak for everyone in Area E, but I think I speak for the majority when I say, we can not afford to, nor are we willing, to pay for endless proposals, studies, committees and bureaucracies.

Jim Demers
