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Freedom of speech includes opposite views

Freedom of speech — so often linked to viewpoints and discussion.

Re: “A shameful ad,” Letters, February 16

Freedom of speech — so often linked to viewpoints and discussion. Now here we have a young lady who is saying she wants freedom of speech to be allowed as long as it doesn’t go against her viewpoint.

Didn’t we fight a war because one man was okay with freedom of speech as long as the populace didn’t speak against his government?

How many people are in jail or were put in jail because they used their speech freely and the government didn’t like it? How many were imprisoned under communism for violations of the government’s version of freedom of speech?

We need to understand that differences in opinions can be good as they prompt vital discussions. That leads (hopefully) to a respectful understanding between two people whether they agree or not.

Now Morgan, do understand that in life not all will agree with you and many may even look at you with that “why are you being so narrow minded?” look in their eyes. Hope that you have thought this through and have an answer.

I appreciate that you are strong about your beliefs, but not to the point of attacking someone else’s. Good that you felt motivated to do something, whether wrong or right. You remind me of the lady who complained about the billboard that stood by Grohman pond.

She was infuriated that her young daughter had to see the sign from pro-life. Would not the attitude be better to say “let’s have an informed discussion to better get an understanding in case we ever face that situation”?

In a free country that sign was defaced many times by someone who probably believed in free speech, as long as they didn’t have to read it or hear it in their backyard.

R.J. Warren
