HUGS: To everyone who drives with the awareness of the animals of all sizes and species. The baby birds are learning how to fly and the others are learning how to navigate traffic, get to food and water. Putting your lights on helps them to see you coming at all times of day.
HUGS: To Dr. Sparrow for being there for our child at a low moment. You surrounded him with a song, and we will never forget your grace and compassion.
SLUGS: To the people who park in two-hour parking all day. You make it even more difficult for seniors to go downtown for lunch, to do some shopping. Our senior parking passes aren’t for Baker Street. Rules are rules for everyone.
HUGS: To the Lions Club who purchased a new snowblower to help maintain the Lions Park rink, and to all who donated to Lions fundraisers. Let’s not forget the rink rats who have worked tirelessly in the middle of frigid cold nights to water the rink. It takes a community to maintain an outdoor rink.
SLUGS: To that very important person who in your frustration with my slower speed kept tailgating me with your high beams on. Maybe you should take a minute to reflect on your juvenile behaviour and pay it forward at your earliest opportunity.
Got a hug or slug to tell us about? Email