HUGS: A huge hug to the person who found the Kia car keys on the Sitkum Creek Forestry Road and returned them to our car. You restore our faith in humanity! Thank you!
HUGS: To Shayna Jones’ mesmerizing performance, Grandmama Speak, at the Capitol Theatre on Oct. 15. Her vocal and physical lyricism tenderly warmed a sad grieving heart.
HUGS: Thank you to the physicians group/ facilities engagement for organizing a fantastic BBQ for Kootenay Lake Hospital. The food was a lot better than the lunch I packed and it was very nice to see everyone in good spirits!
HUGS: Energetic hugs to all the cyclists on the Mountain Station bike trails where we hike and walk our dog. The mountain bikers are always courteous, careful and considerate. It’s great to see hikers and bikers (and dogs) coexisting and enjoying Nelson’s beautiful trails.
SLUGS: To the business owner who self-appointed themselves as the parking attendant at a local strip mall for a business you don’t even own. You don’t own any of the parking stalls and to intimidate drivers by threatening that they will be towed is grounds for word-of-mouth non-referral.
Got a hug or slug to vent? Email it to