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HUGS AND SLUGS: Slow down for wild turkeys

They may be dirty birds, but they don’t deserve to be road kill
A reader says they saw wild turkeys killed by traffic while crossing a local highway. Photo: Jim Bailey

HUGS: A big shout out to all the ophthalmologists of the hospital for being so efficient and empathetic when I faced keratitis. Your professionalism and kindness was noted with my eyes closed!

SLUGS: To the crackpot neighbour who has “decorated” the fence between our properties. Weaponizing Tibetan Prayer Flags may not go over well from a spiritual perspective. Still, we wish you healing, and only metaphorical slugs.

SLUGS: To the misanthropes responsible for the plague of graffiti tags infecting Nelson, and slugs to the owners that let the graffiti continue to fester on their properties. I travel to Creston regularly and I’ve seen all of two tags in the entire downtown area.

HUGS: A really big hug to the firefighters who put the Gold Creek wildfire out so quickly! What a relief for this upper Rosemont resident! Second big hug to the Nelson Star for posting information about the fire quickly. When I looked for where Gold Creek was, I got the answer.

SLUGS: A pox on the creepy thief who stole the wheelbarrow from our yard. No peace for you!

HUGS: To the kind, young couple at the first false summit of Mount Loki. Thank you so much for pausing your descent for the three determined, but fearful of heights, hikers. Your reassurance that we were indeed on the trail, your encouragement and your tips meant we made it to the top, and with only two panic attacks. Thank you for your support! We wouldn’t have made it without you!

SLUGS: To people who don’t slow down for wild turkeys crossing the highway. Sadly, I’ve witnessed part of a turkey family being killed crossing the road. Obviously, sometimes it is impossible to avoid them. There’s a lot of ignorance around animal intelligence. Research has proved that animals feel emotions and grieve.

Have a hug or slug to tell the world (or maybe just Nelson) about? Email