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HUGS AND SLUGS: Some real, and questionable, Christmas spirit

Also, props to the panto
Denis Senecal in The Prince and the Pauper, this year’s Christmas Pantomime at Nelson’s Capitol Theatre. Photo: Bill Metcalfe

HUGS: To the wonderful woman who secretly paid for an entire dinner for our family at a local restaurant. Thank you and such generosity made us all want to pay it forward!

SLUGS: To the impatient people in the parking lot at the Baker Street Christmas Fair. I ended up damaging my vehicle because people were waiting for spots and not leaving enough room for cars to get out. Boo to you, white pickup truck that jumped the curb scaring my kids. So much for Christmas spirit.

HUGS: To the guy in the big truck who gunned his engine and had to swerve around me as I crossed in a crosswalk by the Prestige. I guess I wasn’t crossing fast enough to suit him. I think he might need a big hug! And thanks to the man walking nearby who made sure I was OK!

SLUGS: To drivers who don’t stay in their own lane to pass, and slugs to tailgaters.

SLUGS: To the City digging the street for sewer connections and not paving it afterwards, especially at the bottom of Latimer.

HUGS: Heartfelt hugs to everyone involved in the magically marvellous Prince and the Pauper Pantomime. You especially brought joy to the heart of one grieving Grama.

HUGS: To the crew who helped the homeless clean up their camp. And big hugs also to the homeless. I hope they are safe and warm enough this winter.

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