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HUGS AND SLUGS: the kindness of strangers

Plus wild turkeys, tents, takeout, stop signs and more

SLUGS: To the driver who suddenly braked in the Beasley Bluffs to wait for turkeys to cross the road. Yes, they are adorable, especially the little ones, but you put the lives of every person in the vehicles behind you at risk.

HUGS: To the gentleman who graciously moved his vehicle after parking in the RBC parking space, AND who waited for me to pull around the block after I chased him down the alley at 4:57 p.m. on Friday. I made it inside before the bank closed for the long weekend. I hope something amazing happened because of your kindness. Thank you!

HUGS: Big hugs to the Nelson and District Credit Union for having a bevy of 10x10 tents for loan to organizations for all of our community events. Most small groups can’t afford to buy these tents. Thanks NDCU for keeping us dry when it rains and in the shade when it is hot. You rock!

HUGS: To the server at a local restaurant who slipped me a sweet note inside my takeout bag filled with fries after I shared I was having a rough day. Your kindness moved me to tears. Thank you so much, you’re an angel!

SLUGS: Great big slimy slugs for the ridiculous stop signs all along Third Street in Fairview. In the hundreds of times I have driven up and down I have had to wait for perhaps 25 cyclists. Clearly nobody on council lives in this neighbourhood. Never mind the other drivers who seem to be blind to the stop signs and barrel through far too many times as well. This is such a dangerous scenario, especially in winter when there are no cyclists at all.