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HUGS AND SLUGS: Water for pooches and a stolen walker

Plus more good and bad Nelson karma

HUGS: To the gentleman who put a toonie in the meter for me when I found myself without change for parking, thank you for your random act of kindness. You caught me off guard! I will pay it forward!

HUGS: Big hugs to Tim from Glade who helped me fix my caravan to make it a lot safer to operate, for nothing more than a hug! You went out of your way to help someone in need and asked for nothing in return. May good karma follow you always!

HUGS: A big hug to the lady at the recycling near the airport. She keeps the place so tidy and always helps me. I could not do my recycling without her, she is always so cheery.

HUGS: To businesses that place bowls of water outside their store for our pooches. It is very appreciated but please, don’t leave the bowls out with dirty slimy water.

SLUGS: To the group at Crescent Beach (11 mile) that have erected deliberately misleading Private Property signs in an attempt to keep people off the legal public access to the public beach there. Be happy with the actual property you own. Don’t get greedy.

SLUGS: To the person who left three flats of overripe blueberries at the side of Silver King Ski Hill Road last week. You were right below a school the week before school starts, accustoming bears to find food basically on school grounds! The school sign is right at the foot of the road, so you can’t claim not to have known. You created a serious hazard for over 100 school children and certainly did no service to the bears.

SLUGS: To the person who took a walker Aug. 31 or the next day from front door of Bethel Christian Centre, 623 Gordon Rd. In order to be mobile, this walker is desperately need by 94-year-old lady on a fixed income. It would be greatly appreciated if you would return it, and God bless you.

SLUGS: To people who drive 70- and 80-km in a 90-km zone with five or more vehicles behind them all wanting to pass. Someone will try to pass you, possibly causing a collision with you right in the middle of it. Pull out, let traffic go. Safer for you.

SLUGS: To the people who put up a tent at a rec site to save themselves a spot on a long weekend and then never showed up to use it. A lot of people came and went and missed out thinking that site was being used.

Got a hug or slug to tell the world (or at least Nelson) about? Email