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Jamie Hertz: Paying forward a kind gesture

"I walked to my truck I noticed that someone had left a bag of fruits and vegetables from their garden on the hood of my truck."

By Jamie Hertz

It’s been a long time since I have written an article for the Nelson Star and I must say that I have really missed it.

As much as I don’t miss owning my own restaurant in Nelson, I do really miss the locals and my relationships with Nelsonites.  I have lived all over Canada and without a doubt the people I have met in the Koots are some of the best.

The other day I finished work and as I walked to my truck I noticed that someone had left a bag of fruits and vegetables from their garden on the hood of my truck. Aside from the delicious food there was only a note saying thank you. No name or explanation, just a medley of zucchinis, tomatoes, squashes, plums, and apples. I was speechless when I received this gift and my mind to this day is spinning as to who it may have been who gifted me.  This is just an example of the kindness and type of people that are everywhere in the Kootenays.

This is where my inspiration for this article has come from. I have decided to share my gift with all of you and pay it forward. I have for you today a zucchini relish recipe and hope you can try it at home, this way my mystery friend will have been more generous than they thought.

This relish is perfect for putting on top of a nice piece of fish, on a burger, or my favourite which is on a tuna melt with bread and butter pickles and banana peppers.  It is also perfect for this time of year with our gardens ready to harvest.

Remember my recipes are just guidelines so feel free to experiment and change things around to come up with your own signature versions or if something isn’t to your liking.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or if you have something you want me to write about.