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LETTER: Different ways of looking at carbon data

Reader Ron Robinson offers some definitions in response to a letter by Maurice Rhodes.

Re: “Skepticism on carbon reductions well-founded

In response to Maurice Rhodes, I would first offer some searchable definitions so that the terms of reference are clear.

Environmentalist – a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment.

Environment – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives and operates.

Climate-warming panic artists – there was no searchable definition of this term.

Economy – can refer to the way in which goods and services are produced, distributed and consumed.

Carbon emission – although 2008 data from the US Department of Energy Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre is old, their data looks at emissions per capita (metric tones) and placed Qatar No. 1 at 48.6, US No. 12 at 18.5, Canada No. 14 at 16.4 and China No. 55 at 5.3. Data can be used in many ways.

In this time of forest fires, Mr. Rhodes’ thesis would be to do nothing until those who started the fire made the first move. There are solutions to help in the remediation of our current climate dilemma. Re-thinking our current economic model is one; but name-calling of those looking for solutions does not help to move those solutions forward.

Ron Robinson
