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LETTER: Do we want more boats on Kootenay lake?

From reader David Knox
Nelson, B.C. Photo: Bill Metcalfe

Re: “Notice of Disposition of Crown Land” ad on page 15 of the July 13 edition of the Nelson Star.

Good citizens of Nelson, it is proposed to create a new private boat marina in front of the new condominium development between the mall and the Prestige resort. The slips in this proposed marina will only be for owners of the new condos. The Ministry of Forests is inviting public comments about the proposal to build this marina in the water of Kootenay Lake up until Aug. 16.

What everyone should know and be concerned about is that this proposal will substantially increase the number of motor boats operating in front of Nelson on the West Arm. We residents around Kootenay Lake have been blessed by having a relatively quiet and safe lake environment for humans and wildlife compared to other lakes in Southern B.C. (re: the Okanagan). Because of the lack of motor boats we have a thriving paddle, swimming and rowing culture here in Nelson without having to worry about being run down by someone doing speed runs in front of the beach or big wakes tipping you over off your paddle board.

In these times of adapting to and attempting to minimize and even reverse our communities impact on global warming and climate change, does it make any sense to develop the public resource of Kootenay Lake into fossil fuel-based motor sport recreation? The Culos Development Corporation came up with this plan as an incentive to sell condos in its new development, but does anyone really need an incentive plan to sell condos in Nelson these days?

I invite everyone who has an opinion on this risk to the safety and serenity of our lakefront to to comment to the Ministry of Forests at http://www. for lands files 4406334 and 4406335. It only take a few minutes.

Together we can protect what is beautiful about our home.

David Knox
