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LETTER: Green’s view on strategic voting disappoints

Reader Tia Leschke: "Would he be happier if the Greens got those 200-plus votes that lost David Wilks the election?"

I was disappointed in Bill Green’s take on strategic voting. “So many people say the Green Party is the party they’d like to vote for, and they’ll vote for us next time. Unfortunately that doesn’t work. We have to build, and we can’t build if we’re fighting that all the time.”

Would he be happier if the Greens got those 200-plus votes that lost David Wilks the election? Then the Conservatives would have another seat. With the Conservatives out, we will almost certainly get some kind of proportional representation, meaning those of us who prefer the Green Party would actually have our votes count in the next election. Then again, with Bill Green’s attitude, I’m not sure I’d want to vote for him.

Tia Leschke
