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LETTER: IPPs milk common resources for private profit

From reader Ron Retzlaff

Re: “Mungall’s charges unfounded,” Letters, Feb. 28

There are many things I could criticize about Michelle Mungall’s performance as an MLA and cabinet minister. Site C would be at the top of the list, although I don’t think she had the power to change that bad decision. I do resent her recent assertion that she has no regrets about it. In my opinion she should have some. I am also a little disturbed that ex-mines minister Bill Bennett thinks she is doing a good job, but perhaps he is just playing reverse politics.

The last thing she should be criticized for is her study of the effects of the IPP projects handed out to Liberal friends and feathered by guaranteed profits paid by BC Hydro. Jeff Shecter’s letter points out that a lot of money was spent on those projects, and a lot of people made out pretty well building them.

That is the problem: some short term jobs are created, and some money is made building the projects, but once built they provide very little employment, and those private operators continue to milk our common resources for plenty of government subsidized private profit forever. Basically we are selling out and wreaking havoc on our natural environment for a few short term jobs, to produce power we don’t need.

Rod Retzlaff
