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LETTER: Letter writer shot himself in the foot

From reader George Fritz
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Re: “It’s time to ban semi-automatic weapons in Canada” Feb. 23

In his recent letter, writer Rod Retzlaff has demonstrated a level of knowledge on firearms, hunting, and gun owners, that is on par with Justin Trudeau’s knowledge of the people of India and their culture.

While Mr. Retzlaff is certainly entitled to his opinions, in the real world of hunting, however, they carry about as much weight as a progressive playing Mr. Dressup Goes Bollywood.

Suffice it to say that from his comments, it is evident that Mr. Retzlaff does not really understand or have much experience with the subject of his letter. For, as it turns out, a lot of people hunt with semi-automatic firearms or take part in shooting competitions with same.

Also, where would Mr. Retzlaff have hunters shoot a game animal to ensure a quick and humane kill, if not in the chest cavity where large and vital organs are located. In the foot?

I think not. Lots of that going on domestically and abroad.

George Fritz

Garson, Ont.