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LETTER: Petition only targets loud motorcycles

As a signatory to the petition I believe the majority of petitioners are not opposed to all motorcyclists.

Re: “The silent road to a false economy”

As a signatory to the petition I believe the majority of petitioners are not opposed to all motorcyclists, in fact I do believe law abiding motorcyclists are welcomed to our community with open arms. The petition is about loud motorcycles because they are the main offenders. By far the majority of motorcycle riders are not excessively loud and have no need for concern regarding this petition. In fact there have been many motorcycle riders that have signed the petition!

I think the West Koot Route concept is a good tool in tourism development for our region and by far most riders participating in the attraction are quiet and legal riders. I am aware of and interested in different types of motorcycles and can say I have never observed a loud offending Ducati, therefore I do not think the Ducati Users Club has anything to worry about, and neither do the other motorcycle clubs that encourage responsible riding behaviour.

What we must understand is that loud illegal exhaust systems are having a physical and psychological impact on the health of our community. If only one loud motorcycle was to pass and that were the end of it we could get over that, but when another and later another and then another day after day continually disrupts peace and sanity this has gone far enough. At least we know our neighbours will finish their lawn mowing or wood cutting and we know it is done for a week or so but come April when the riding season starts many of us will experience a hell till October.

Please spare us the fear mongering economic argument regarding what motorcyclists contribute to the regional economy. By far the majority of riders pose no problem and we will continue to see an increasing number of visitors to our magnificent area. And as for those “offenders,” I am sure they won’t be missed and many legitimate tourists and local folk living along our highways and byways will be grateful for the solitude.

And one more thing: I know lots of Valley Folk who are hard-working contributors to our local diverse economy, in fact probably more self-sufficient than most, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about when it comes to “real dollars.” Those who support this petition are prominent citizens who form the backbone of this community. If we can’t protect the interest of law-abiding citizens, then where is society leading us?

Terry Lowrey, Nelson