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LETTER: Pets a bigger issue than cougars

I have lived here in the Kootenays for over 60 years and do not recall one single fatal cougar attack.

I have lived here in the Kootenays for over 60 years and do not recall one single fatal cougar attack.

But heaven help the poor cougar that wanders into the pet infested neighborhoods you find everywhere in the Kootenays.

Pets – are but an extension of the ego of man and women.

Dogs – by the hundreds of millions have now taught their owners to pick up their dog crap.

The cat – an extension of the ego of the owner, kills millions and billions of disappearing bird species.

Cougars should be heroes, not targets for zeroes, as they thin out the plague of our pets.

Helen! Get my gun, call the police, call the Fish and Wildlife killing squad.

There is a cougar in the back yard. We can’t let reality get that close to us.

We must kill it.


Dick Murphy
