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LETTER: RDCK should think twice before supporting forestry lobby

From reader Tom Prior...
(File photo)

Re: “RDCK board roundup: Directors delay decision on supporting forestry group,” Sept. 23

The Regional District of Central Kootenay directors have been asked by the CEO of Kalesnikoff lumber to send a letter to the Ministry of Forestry in support of Forestry Works for BC, a corporate lobbying website. 

A presentation from Ken Kalesnikoff seeks to encourage the RDCK to raise awareness about forestry’s role in the well-being of rural and urban communities and how B.C.’s industrial clear-cut logging mitigates wildfires. 

There is absolutely no scientific evidence that planetary deforestation reduces wildfire. In fact, it is totally the opposite. Healthy mature temperate forests store millions of tons of CO2 in their deep soil. Large clear-cuts as practised by the B.C. timber industry exposes the soil to sun light, which releases the CO2. 

B.C.’s timber barons have destroyed and continue to dry up thousands of hectares of wetlands, riparian zones and old-growth forest. Almost all of B.C.’s wide ranging species are near extinction and many salmon rivers and streams no longer support our wild salmon because of exploitive timber, mining and thoughtless tourism development. 

I hope the RDCK directors understand what the timber industry lobby is asking them to endorse. They should support science and not the loud voice of the all mighty corporate dollar. 

Tom Prior - Nelson