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LETTER: Renal dialysis needed in Nelson

From reader Christine Freyta
Nelson, B.C. Photo: Bill Metcalfe

I am a dialysis patient from Ainsworth Hot Springs and am forced to travel to Trail along with others from Nelson, Slocan and Kaslo area. We presently do not have a renal unit in the Nelson hospital. There are approximately 12 patients who make this trip tw0 or three times a week. There isn’t any public transport for us to use to transport each individual for their treatments and must arrange it ourselves, drive ourselves or have someone drive us. I have been doing this since the spring of 2019. It is expensive, time consuming and stressful. After dialysis we are quite tired and then have to drive home in this condition. There is no financial compensation for us and bare all costs individually.

One patient had a 2019 petition with 2,000 signatures that our MLA Brittny Anderson presented in the legislature but nothing has changed or gotten better for the patients. A renal unit in Nelson is the only logical solution to ease the burden of these long trips to Trail for patients. As Nelson grows in population, the need for a dialysis unit becomes more crucial for people needing this service locally.

Many of us have written letters advocating for a unit at KLH. We had a group with lots a pertinent information concerning this issue. Both BC Renal and our MLA have copies of the booklet. We need support from the local community asap. With winter driving just around the corner, it is needed for us to survive. Please direct your donations to Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation for a renal dialysis unit. Bring this much needed service for our community and health of many patients having to travel a minimum of one hour for dialysis treatments for chronic kidney disease.

Christine Freyta
