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LETTER: State manufactured marijuana ‘problem’

The largest missing piece of the cannabis controversy is not patterns of use, as Dr. Piver suggests.

Re: “A missing piece of the marijuana conversation”

The largest missing piece of the cannabis controversy is not patterns of use, as Dr. Piver suggests. Rather the largest missing piece of the cannabis controversy is how, in 1923, an unspecified regulated Proprietary or Patent Medicine Act commodity presented only as “there is a new drug in the schedule” was fraudulently transformed into cannabis indica once outside of the purview of the lower chamber.

It’s about an altered document that was substituted then passed into law which criminalized cannabis. It’s about the flagrant abuse of Canada’s parliamentary system to enact legislation which effectively manufactured a social problem that has taken on costly proportions some 93 years later. It’s about the systemic discrimination unleashed on unsuspecting Canadians by the state.

It is one thing to legislate unpopular law; the legitimacy of law is not based on its popularity. It is, however, quite another to commit fraud then knowingly cover it up (for 93 years) in order to perpetuate that which is now being recognized and deemed a failure by the same party that concocted the fraud initially. That is called corruption.

Wayne Phillips, Hamilton, Ont.