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LETTER: The camp at City Hall

From reader June Hamlet
Approximately 12 people were camped outside Nelson City Hall as of March 21. Photo: Tyler Harper

Re: Tents pitched at Nelson City Hall to protest loss of homelessness program, March 22

If anyone thinks the camp outside city hall is unsafe, go and see for yourself. There are support workers from ANKORS there as well as street outreach. Those people have never been safer.

Someone is very passionate about finding solutions and is circulating with a letter. I think I’m going to turn it into a petition for council and the province. Let’s have a round table discussion and figure this out!

Anyone who is judgemental and pointing fingers, point the finger at yourselves. How have you contributed to this problem with toxic attitudes? Hate has never helped. Love and compassion does.

Think of someone who is stuck in a loop. You may be a thread of hope that can lead them out. And if your tax dollars are so misused, maybe contribute to the discussion about what better solutions we can come up with. Complaining does nothing.

June Hamlet
